Kola Nut Extract Cola Acuminata Caffeine theobromine
Kola Nut Extract Cola Acuminata Caffeine theobromine
Kola Nut is also known as Cola Nut and Cola. Kola Nut is the seed kernel of a large African tree grown commercially around the world. It is extremely popular in the tropics as a caffeine-containing stimulant. The properties of Kola are the same as caffeine, modified only by the astringents present.
Official Latin Name: Cola acuminata Kola Nut is also known by the names Kola, Cola, Cola Nut, Bissy Nut, Gooroo Nut, and Guru Nut. This plant is native to Africa, and is cultivated extensively in the tropics, particularly in Nigeria, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and South America. There are 125 species of this plant (all of which are indigenous to tropical West Africa) where the seeds are chewed to curb hunger, allay thirst, and enable people to work hard in hot conditions. Kola Nut seeds are considered a symbol of hospitality and used in many social ceremonies such as marriage, birth, and funerals. They are often prayed over before being shared. Though it is called a "nut", the part of this plant consumed is really the inner part of the fleshy seeds. Their consumption is not considered habit forming. The seeds are used to make a reddish dye. Historical uses of Kola Nut include increasing the capacity for physical exertion, for enduring fatigue without food, for stimulating a weak heart, and for treating nervous debility, weakness, lack of emotion, nervous diarrhea, depression, despondency, brooding, anxiety, and sea sickness. Kola Nut was said to make ideas become clearer, and thoughts flow more easily & clearly. However, too much stimulative effect is said to cause thoughts to "scatter". Kola has a marked stimulating effect on the human consciousness. In the short term, it may be used in nervous debility, in states of weakness. Additionally, it can act as a specific for nervous diarrhea. It will also aid in states of depression and may, in some people, give rise to euphoric states. Because of its |