Levodopa L-Dopa Extract Mucuna Pruriens
Levodopa L-Dopa Extract Mucuna Pruriens
L-Dopa Extract is an amino acid with a LARGE NUMBER OF HEALTH BENEFITS, primarily known for it's conversion into dopamine. Dopamine is an essential component of our body and IT'S REQUIRED FOR PROPER FUNCTIONING OF THE BRAIN.
The numerous Health Benefits of L-Dopa Extract have been researched for over 50 years, but it's availability has been very limited - Until Now!. It was recently discovered that the plant bean "MUCUNA PRURIENS" CONTAINS SIGNIFICANT AMOUNTS OF L-DOPA EXTRACT. This is great news because now L-Dopa Extract is available to everyone. Mucuna Pruriens Allows Better Absorption & Utilization Mucuna Pruriens gives us an "All Natural" source of L-Dopa Extract. Because the L-Dopa is extracted from a natural plant source, our body actually ABSORBS AND UTILIZES A HIGHER PERCENTAGE. The improved absorption means you EXPERIENCE BETTER RESULTS WITH SMALLER SERVINGS.
Because the L-Dopa Extract is from an "All Natural" source, THE L-DOPA EXTRACT HAS NO SIDE EFFECTS. With "Mucuna Pruriens" L-Dopa Extract, you have better absorption and no side effects.
Health Benefits of L-Dopa Extract Although L-Dopa Extract is well known for it's treatment of Parkinsons, there are many other benefits. L-Dopa Extract has been shown to SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE THE BODY'S NATURAL PRODUCTION OF HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE (HGH). This is very important because Increasing HGH has powerful Health benefits for both men & women.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is the MOST POWERFUL HORMONE IN THE HUMAN BODY AND IT CONTROLS THE AGING PROCESS. Our HGH production declines as we get older, leading to many of the problems associated with aging. HGH has been heavily researched over the past few decades, and there have been over 20 cinical studies performed on it. Here are the primary observations from the HGH Clinical Studies: STRENGTHENED IMMUNE SYSTEM INCREASED LEAN MUSCLE MASS IMPROVED MOOD AND SENSE OF WELL BEING ENHANCED LIBIDO & S |